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Students? Council is formed as per the provision of the Maharashtra University act 1994. The Students? Council for each institution shall consist of the following:
1. Principal - Chairman
2. Two Lecturers nominated by the Principal
3. Teacher In-Charge of National Cadet Corps
4. Teacher In-Charge of National Service Scheme
One student from each class, who has shown academic merit at the examination held in the preceding year and who is engaged in full time studies in the college nominated by the Principal.
6. Director of Sports and Physical education, if any.
7. One student from each of the following activities, who has shown outstanding performance, nominated by the Principal namely :-
  • General Secretary
  • Sports Secretary
  • National Service Scheme and audit edu.
  • National Cadet Corps
  • Cultural Activities
8. Two Lady Students nominated by the Principal
The following members will constitute the college students' council for the year 2012 ? 2013.
Sr. No. Name Class Designation
1 Dr.Harsha K Mehta ? Chairperson
2 Pallavi Rege ? Principal?s Nominee
3 Major Shabbir Bohra ? NCC officer
4 Pushparaj Shetty ? NSS Programme Officer
5 Vaishali Falnikar ? Principal?s Nominee
6 Akshay Marathe FYBA? Class Representative
7 Krishik Nair SYBA? Class Representative
8 Rajat Nair TYBA? Class Representative
9 Shubham FY BSc Class Representative
10 Rajesh Yadav SYBSc? Class Representative
11 Soumya Nair TYBSc? Class Representative
12 Pranali Pawar FYBCom? Class Representative
13 Sebastian George SYBCom? Class Representative
14 Hanan Shaikh TYBCom? Class Representative
15 Gibran Khan FYBMS?? Class Representative
16 Rohan Vengurlekar SYBMS? Class Representative
17 Chandini Malde TYBMS Class Representative
18 Nikhila Chandavarkar FYBMM? Class Representative
19 Sneha Shetty SYBMM???????? Class Representative
20 Ketki Mehta TYBMM???????? Class Representative
21 Ajit Gupta FYBSc(IT)????? Class Representative
22 Anjali Nair SYBSc(IT)???? Class Representative
23 Swathi Narayan TYBSc(IT)????? Class Representative
24 Varun Suresh MSc (I)??????????? Class Representative
25 Ronak Loonawat MSc (II)? Class Representative
26 Drashya Shetty TYBCom? Gymkhana Representative
27 Prerita Gowda SYBSc? NSS Representative
28 Arnold Monis? FY BA? NCC Boy Representative
29 Nimisha Nair FY BMM?????? Lady Representative
30 Sagarika Biswas MSc (II)? Lady Representative
31 Nek Puri FY BA? Cultural Association
The General Secretary of the Students? Council is Mr. Rajat Nair
?Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever? - Gandhi
My vision as the General Secretary of S.I.E.S College of Arts, Science and Commerce is to excel not only in studies but in the overall management activities in the college. Also it is my aim to promote the same amongst my colleagues and juniors. I want to make the students familiar with the college rules and regulations so that they have a better understanding of their college.
I have taken an active interest in the cultural activities of the college for the last two years and was the Cultural Secretary of the college before being elected as the General Secretary.
I have been a part of the Students? Council since 2012 and on behalf of the Council, I had initiated a drive in college to promote various rules and regulations.
I hope to fulfill my responsibilities successfully and bring about a positive impact through my work as the General Secretary
Mr. Rajat Nair
Student Council members with Principal Dr. Harsha Mehta
Report of Students' Council 2013-2014
The Students? Council was formed in the month of August, 2013. A number of students from various courses were selected on the basis of their academics, extracurricular activities and the sheer desire to be a part of something that counts and bring about a change.
Soon after the Student?s Council was formed, there were elections for the post of General Secretary. The candidates for the same were Mr. Rajat Nair (TYBA) and Ms. Ketkti Mehta (TYBMM). Mr. Rajat Nair was elected as the General Secretary for the year 2013-2014.
Rajat Nair (General Secretary)
?It is an honour to be the General Secretary of such a reputed institution. It has been a fruitful journey and I hope I have done justice to this post. I thank my teachers and everybody who supported me and Ketki Mehta as well, for being a wonderful competitor.?
The year that was- Events
The Right to Information Act
The RTI Act allows provides citizens with access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in public authority.
The RTI is a very potent tool in the hands of Indian citizens. Keeping that in mind, the IQAC and the Student?s Council organized a workshop on the 19th of October, 2013 at 10:30 AM in the Multi Media Room. This workshop was conducted by the Legal Aid Committee of Government Law College.
Right to vote- Voter?s Identity Card provision
Voter?s enrollment for students took place at SIES College on the 19th and 20th September between 10:00 AM and 3:00 in the college foyer. It was organized by an NGO called Better India as a part of their campaign- Vote for A Better India.
Students were requested to bring necessary documents like photographs, address proofs, birth certificates, etc. The campaign received a huge response of 178 students submitting their forms for enrollment.
Operation Black Dot
Operation Black Dot will bring about a shift in the way you look at voting.
As a part of this change, we had a group of 10 campus ambassadors from our college put up a stall in the college foyer on the 20th and 21st of December, 2013. Their task was to get students to make their voters? ID card. Two cause ambassadors from Operation Black Dot supported their outreach campaign and helped us on those two days.
Always the first one to curse Politics, but did you even cast your vote??Vote karega India, toh badega India!?
Let there be awareness
Preparations for Visions were on in full swing and the Student Council took this opportunity to spread some awareness.
You don?t know the value of something till it?s gone and we took up the initiative to remind people of little things that are important, yet undervalued. Saving water, saving electricity, maintaining discipline, etc. Posters were made, pictures were clicked and all in all, it was a good day.?
Traditional Day/ Rose Day/ Chocolate Day
Everyone needs to be reminded of their roots from time to time. And for this, we had the perfect solution- Traditional Day. Colours, sequins and elegance were seen everywhere. There was also a lot of giving and taking of roses and chocolates. Pre-Visions week had never been this good!
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