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Department of Botany

?Kalpavriksha?, the annual festival of the Department of Botany was organized during Utkarsha?11 on Friday, 26th August and Saturday, 27th August 2011. During Kalpavriksha, two inter-collegiate competitions, viz., ?Art with fruits, flowers and vegetable? and ?Poster presentation? were organized. The details of these competitions were as follows:

  • The theme of the event ? Art with fruits, flowers and vegetable was to create aesthetically appealing flower arrangements, biojewellery and salad dressings using fresh or dry plant materials. Mr. Vinit Vaidya, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Bhavans? College, Andheri, Mumbai was invited? for judging the event on Friday, 26th August 2011. There were 10 participants. The event was a grand success and Mr. Vaidya gave valuable guidance to the participants while judging the event.
  • Theme of the event- Poster Presentation was mainly to create awareness about nature conservation, advanced techniques in genetics and entrepreneurship development in horticulture. The topics of the poster competition were ?Horticulture as a career option?, ?Future of genetically modified food?, ?Nature versus nurture? and ?Need of forest in modern times?. Mr. Santosh Shetty, Tree officer, BMC, Fort, Mumbai was invited to judge the competition on Saturday, 27th August 2011. . Mr. Shetty encouraged the participants and also guided them about the need of qualified horticulturist for various placements in BMC and in other fields and institutions.
Apart from the above mentioned events, exhibition cum sale of nursery plants, herbal face scrubs and packs, how to make fruit- jams, juice, Kawa (Kashmiri tea) and bookmarks were also organized. All these exhibits were made by students of botany.
The annual festival, Kalpavriksha?11, was a grand success!
Visions 2011 Report
If we couldn't dream, our lives wouldn't mean anything anymore. Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of the week. This winter season at SIES was all about bringing out a little bit of that insanity to the annual 3-day college festival-Visions, Dreams Unleashed. The idea was to bring out our wildest ideas into the realm of reality.
Running into its 20th year, Visions 2011 was a team of 31 core members and 250 volunteers. Over a span of 3 days the event saw a footfall of 3000+ people from over 83 colleges across Mumbai. The event was broadly divided over three categories- Informals, Performing Arts and Creative Arts (including special events).
Informal events were based largely on physical tasks with a creative twist. Some of the flagship events were Mystery Quest, Robotrix, Short Film events, the social experiment (a simulation of Big Boss), LAN gaming, DJ wars etc. Performing arts held some of the better-known events that Visions has carved a niche for viz. The Fashion show, Street Dance event, Cynosure (Personality contest), In sync the group dance event, Powerchords (band contest). Creative Arts brought some rather interesting workshops to the 3-day event. The Art camp and Film making workshop, being a relatively new venture garnered the most response.
Walking into its 20th year, Visions took up several new concepts to toy with. Mafia War, War of the DJs, L.A All rounder etc. were an outcome of this experimentation. Visions is not only about 3 days of fun for its guests but also 3 months of hard work that goes behind the festival. It is in its truest sense a complete DIY project for the students who not only work towards funding the event but also promoting and producing it. ?This year?s event was led by
  1. President- Ms. Varnaa Chandran
  2. Logistics chairperson- Mr. Prathamesh Pai, Vice-chairperson- Mr. Rishikesh Dixit
  3. Co-ordination chairperson- Ms. Sargam Shingadia, Vice-chairperson- Mr. Meet Shah
  4. Programming chairperson- Ms. Shruti Krishnan, Vice -chairperson- Mr. Pranay Krishnan
  5. Public relation chairperson- Ms.Priyanka Goel, Vice-chairperson- Ms. Riddhi Kotecha
The event was supported by our title sponsors FEI cargo Ltd, RED fm, uth circle, and many more. The Students? Council would like to thank Mrs. Pallavi Rege for her enduring supports through the planning phase onto the execution phase.
Until next year then!
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