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Photo Gallery - Workshops : 2012-13
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ASC-Sion ASC-Sion ASC-Sion ASC-Sion
Faculties participating in Scilab Workshop held by Computer Science department Participants of Scilab Workshop using the Audio-Visual aids at CS lab Volunteers helping Participants of PHP and MySql workshop held by Computer Science department Self Defence - Demonstration by experts on 4th Jan 2013
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ASC-Sion ASC-Sion ASC-Sion ASC-Sion
Clearing their doubts on different situation Expert traning the girls to defend them Giving special instructions on self defence Learning self defence
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ASC-Sion ASC-Sion ASC-Sion ASC-Sion
Practising self defence Teaching different techniques IIT Faculty interacting with the participants via videoconferencing at CS Lab Participants working with the tutorials in Scilab workshop at CS Lab
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ASC-Sion ASC-Sion ASC-Sion ASC-Sion
Scilab workshop at CS Lab Hardware and Internet workshop organised by IT Department for the Non teaching staff Hardware and Internet Workshop organised by the IT Department Mr.Sagar Pawar -resource person explaining the Hardware components in the workshop
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ASC-Sion ASC-Sion ASC-Sion ?
Ms. Archana Jadhav-Resource Person explaining the importance of Internet in the Hardware and Internet workshop Non teaching staff listening intently to the Hardware and Internet workshop organised by the IT department Properties of the LCD Projector being explained in the workshop ?
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