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Extra Curricular Activities : Association
Association of Biotechnology and Microbiology
An interactive talk for S.Y. B.Sc. and T.Y. B.Sc. students on Bioinformatics was held on Thursday 10th January 2013 .The talk was delivered by ?Mr. Swapnil Bhujbal, Research Fellow, CRP Sante, Luxembourg / University of Groningen, The Netherlands. His research area deals with cell encapsulation in treatment of brain tumors. He introduced the concept of Bioinformatics, its importance in Biology and illustrated his talk using the internet, with insulin molecule as a prototype. He covered the following different bioinformatics databases, BLAST, FASTA, Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis.The speaker kept his talk at a level understandable by the students. The session therefore was highly informative and appreciated.
Talk by Dr Roja Gopalakrishnan, Scientific officer G, Nuclear agriculture
and Biotech Division, B.A.R.C on ?Production of novel metabolites from tissue and Organ cultures of medicinal plants? on 24th January 2013 was organized. Both UG and PG students were benefitted.
Commerce Association
Following activities were organized by commerce association:
  • A talk on ?Capital markets in India?? by Mr. D.K. Gupta, Head, Training section of Inter-connected Stock Exchange of India Ltd. on Aug 17, 2012.
  • Catchy copy contest on September 7, 2012 under Utkarsha 2012
  • Business Quiz on September 7, 2012 under Utkarsha 2012.
Ecosophy Association
The activities of the Ecosophy Association for the Academic year
2012-13?started off by conducting a guest lecture on the topic ?Waste Management? on 19th October 2012 by Ms. Seema Redkar. She is working with Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai as Officer on Special Duty. Ms Seema Redkar has been working in MCGM for last 20 yrs & is at present working in Waste Management Department. Since 2003 she has been a driving force in conversion of Nirmalya into compost by involving Corporate and NGOs.?She is the only Lady Officer from MCGM out of the 6 people who were honoured with title "Heroes of 26/7? for the deluge work in Mumbai.
Her lecture kept the students lively from the beginning to the end of the session. She explained the basic precautions to be taken to keep our surroundings clean. She also created an awareness regarding disposal of waste, like the waste generated at home should be segregated as dry waste and wet waste and then disposed. She also gave an insight into how housing societies can come together to dispose the waste of their societies in their own compound which was really remarkable.
Ms. Seema Redkar stressed on the importance of water in the present life to beat the problems we may face in the future. It was more a warning to every human being on this Planet Earth.
Our students were immensely benefited with the insightful and enlightening information given by her.
Hindi Association
The following events were organized by Hindi Association:
  • Hindi elocution competition
  • Hindi essay writing competition
  • Hindi poetry recitation competition
The association has organized a guest Lecture by Shri Sunderchand Thakur on the
topic ? Hindi patrakarita:sambhavanayein aur chunaoutiyan ?on 14th January 2013
Philosophy Association
The Association activities flagged off its inaugural event in July with the interactive session with former toppers and successful students of Philosophy. It was vibrant and interesting as the students shared their personal experience with reference to the whole course preparation. The present batch immensely benefitted from this interaction.
Mr. Sriram, Advocate, High Court, Mumbai, delivered a lecture on ?Awareness of Law in everyday life? in September 2012. The question ? answer session was highly discursive and informative for the students.
Screening of a play ?Surya Pahilela Mnua?, based on Plato?s Myth of the Cave from his book ?The Republic? for TYBA and SYBA students.
Association plans to organize a talk on ? Leadership and Spirituality? by?? Mr. Radhakrishnan Pillai in month of February 2013.
Politics Department?/ Association
Department of Politics organized an interactive session for the present batch of students with the Alumni of the Politics Dept. on ?Career options and how to prepare for examination? on 6th July 2012. ?Mr. Mayuresh Ganpatye (2008 Batch) working for Times Now, News Channel and Mr. Arun Sivaramkrishnan (2012 Batch) selected for MA in Development at Asim Premji University Bengaluru addressed the students.
The Inauguration of the Politics Association activities for the year 2012-13 was organized with a Guest Lecture by Girish Kuber Executive Editor of Loksatta. He spoke on The Greek Tragedy: Unravelling of the Eurozone Crisis on 10th July 2012.
Mrs. Orna Sagiv Consul General, Consulate General of Israel made a presentation on Twenty years of Indo-Israel relations on 26th July 2012.
The Politics Association organized an Essay Competition during Utkarsha on 7th September 2012 on the following topics:
  1. Ethics in cloning and therapeutics
  2. Social networking results in better or virtual relations
  3. After India shining is it India black out
The Politics Association along with the Debating Society organized a Debate on Censorship: A thing of the past. Twenty-two teams participated in the event. The program was well received and judged staff members from other departments.
Physical Society
The Inaugural lecture of the Physical Society for the year 2012-2013, titled ?Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) techniques? was delivered ?by Dr. Raghunath Acharya, Scientific Officer at Radiochemistry Division, BARC. The lecture was held on 4th of August and was attended by about 40 students.
The Society also ?organised a talk on ?Micro-Controllers? on the 6th of October 2012 . The talk was delivered ?by Mrs. Sanjivani Marathe, a senior faculty from Radio Electric Institute (REI Polytechnic).? The lecture was attended by TYBSc Physics ?students.
Science Association (Degree College)
Following is the report of the activities conducted by Science Association (Degree College) till December 2012:
  • Inauguration of the Science Association by Prof. Dr. R.T.Sane (Hon. Director), Guru Nanak Institute for Research and Development, G.N.Khalsa College, Matunga was done on 1st August 2012. Dr. Sane also gave a talk on ?Biopharmaceuticals?.
  • Dr. Ryan Pereira (Education USA Senior Adviser) USIEF, Mumbai gave a talk on ?Opportunities for higher education in the United States of America- How to apply for a Ph.D in the USA? on 14th August 2012.
  • Intracollegiate debate competition on topic related to teaching profession was organized on ?Teachers day? on 5th September 2012.
The association has also planned some activities to be held in January/February 2013 which are as follows:-
  • Prof. Dr. B.Vakil (Research Coordinator) Guru Nanak Institute for Research and Development, G.N.Khalsa College, Matunga will give a talk on ?Patents?.
  • Intracollegiate essay competition on topic related to ?Science and Religion?.
Statistics Association
The activities of the Statistics Association for the Academic year 2012-13 was formally inaugurated on 20th July, 2012. The chief guest on this occasion was Prof. R J Shah, Managing Director, D S Actuarial Education Services Pvt. Ltd.
R J Shah spoke to the students on the scope of ?Actuarial Science? as a career. He illumined the students on pursuing the programme on Bachelors in Actuarial Science at DS Actuarial Education Services Private Limited (DSACTED), Juhu. At DSACTED, B. Sc. and M. Sc. degree programs in Actuarial Science are offered. These are the most in-depth programs in respective segments in Asia. Some of these programs are affiliated to Yashwantrao Chavhan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) and students can purse the programme in Actuarial Science along with any Bachelors programme affiliated to Mumbai University.
This talk was very enlightening and motivating to the students of FY/SY/TY classes to take up Actuarial Science as a career.
The Association also organized the following events
  • Quiz on ?Measures of Central Tendency? in August 2012 for the F.Y.BSc students.
  • Quiz on ?Estimation?? in September 2012 for T.Y.B.Sc? students.
The association in partnership with Statistics Department organized two events during the Utkarsha festival.
The Statistics Association organized a guest lecture on ? PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF ACTUARIAL SCIENCE? on 27th February 2013 by Mr. Mayur Ankolekar, Managing Director, Ankolekar & Co., Mumbai for the benefit of F.Y/ S.Y/T.Y students offering Statistics. His talk revolved around the four major Applications of Actuarial Science namely General insurance, Pension, Annuities and Health Insurance. He highlighted the upcoming areas of Crop Insurance in view of the drastic weather changes across the globe and micro insurance for the weaker sections of our population. The students were highly benefited by his lecture
Tamil Association
The College Tamil Association (Junior & Degree) had its inaugural function on 23rd ?August as Bharathiar Vizha .
Principal Dr. Harsha K Mehta inaugurated the association and emphasized upon the need to crystalise the cultural values ?and students from junior and degree college presented cultural programmes, poetry recitation and talks on the works of Bharathiar.
On 7th September during UtKarsha 12 following events were organized:
  • Essay writing on ? enakku Pidiththa Thirukkural?
  • Essay writing on ? enakku Pidiththa Thirukkural?
  • Reading of an erroneous Tamil passage on Thirukkural and Writing the correct version.
On 12th January 2013, Tamil Association celebrated Pongal Vizha the major festival of the Tamils with traditional decoration, sweets and cultural programs with the Principal Madam as the chief guest.
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