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Calendar of Events
CALENDAR OF EVENTS (2013 - 2014)
Date Level Dept/ Associ. Description of Events / * Achievements Participants
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25-Nov-13 Degree Department of Comprehensive Education Workshop on John Dewey?s Project Method of Teaching by Ms Vidhya Satish DECE, PGDECE, FYDECCED students
27-Nov-13 Degree Information Technology Department Bridge Course on SQL by Ms. Sudha B. FYBSc.IT Students
29-Nov-13 Degree Microbiology Department Visit to Research Organization, TATA MEMORIAL ADVANCED CENTRE FOR TREATMENT, RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN CANCER (ACTREC), KHARGHAR TYBSc Students and Staff
30-Nov-13 Institution IQAC The SIES Confluence 2013-14 Staff members from all SIES institutions.
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