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Students' welfare activity
An 'Exam Stress Busting' workshop for the XII standard students was conducted on Friday, 9th December 2011 under the auspices of the Students' Welfare Committee. Ms. Kruti Desai, College Cousellor conducted the workshop. Mr. C. V. Venkatakrishnan - Head of the Department of Physics, Degree College and Ms. Nisha Narendran- Subject co ordinator, Department of Physics, Junior College also addressed the students on simple and effective ways of preparation for theory as well as practical examinations. About 45 students attended the workshop. Feedback from the students were obtained for analysis.
Report? of Literary Fest UTKARSHA
Held on 26th and 27th August, 2011.
The Literary fest Utkarsha was held in the college premises on 26th and 27th of August 2011. In brief department wise activities (few of them) organized by and for the students are listed below:
History Department conducted a symposium on ?Influential Women in History? as part of Utkarsha 2011-2012. There were 9 participants in all who spoke on various topics related to the theme of the symposium.
Politics Department organized two round table discussions at the inter collegiate level. The first theme of the round table conference was ?Corruption and Civil society movement? which had seven participants followed by a second round table discussion on ?India?s dangerous neighborhood ? Afghanistan and Pakistan?
Psychology Department organized a student?s symposium wherein they had presented various topics in a group.
Physics Department organized a lecture by Prof. Chakradeo on ?Magic that is Physics? under which various simple experiments related to Physics were demonstrated. An inter collegiate competition on poster making cum presentation and also portrait making were conducted. Various experiments were also exhibited and demonstrated.
Philosophy Department organized ?Tratak?, a candle light concentration workshop, where various students and teachers participated.
The Department of Information Technology organized a demonstration of Robotics and ?Robotics replacing master mind humans with distance surgery? was showcased.
The Department of Information Technology also organized a workshop where students made presentations on how to advertise products related to Information Technology.
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