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Faculty of Arts
Academic Engagements of DEGREE COLLEGE TEACHING STAFF for the year 2009 - 2010
Principal Dr. Harsha Mehta
  • Visited UK (7th to 12th September 2009) to participate in the Higher education Inward Mission. Visited the University of Wales ? Newport, Bangor University, Liverpool University, Aberystwyth University and the University of Chester.
Seminars Attended
  • Attended the seminar conducted by Tata Interactive Learning Disability Forum 2009 (21st November 2009)
Awards Received
  • Received an award for ?Excellence in Higher Education? by Technology Management Consultants, Mumbai in appreciation of the rich academic work in the field of Higher Education and recognition of enormous experience, knowledge and leadership skills. (2nd January 2010).
Any Other
  • Invited as a chief guest for a program for the students of the colleges of Zone I Mumbai, to give away prizes for literary events competitions based on ?Human Values and Natural Integration?. It was organized by The Sri Sathya Sai Seva organization, Mumbai (Zone I) Also delivered a speech on ?Whether Human values are Relevant in Today?s Day and Age?( 30th January 2010)
Asha Gala
Paper Presented
  • Published and presented a paper ? ?The story of Changing Lifestyles of? people of Girangaon ? Case Study? at the 2 Days State Level Seminar on ?From Mills to Malls? organized by Kirti College, February 2010 and also chaired a Session in the Seminar.
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended
  • Attended a workshop for TYBA Revised Syllabus in Economics organized by the Board of Studies in Economics and D.G. Ruparel College, 25th April, 2009.
  • Participated in the International Seminar on ?Countering Terrorism in India Challenges of the 21st Century? organized by Politics Department, American Center and ICSSR from 31ST August to 2nd September 2009.
  • Participated in the ?Training of Trainers Workshop on Gender Sensitisation? organized by the Womens? Development Cell of the University of Mumbai at ICSSR 24th September 2009.
  • Attended a National Conference on, ?Youth Empowerment ? Vision 2020?? organized by the Rotary Club of Airport at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology on 27th September 2009.
  • Attended 6th Nani Palkhiwala Memorial Seminar Lecture delivered by the Honorable Home Minister Mr. P. Chidambaran on ?The Emerging Challenges to Civil Society at NCPA on 5th October 2009.
  • Attended the 8th Women Playwrights? International Conference organized by the Academy of Theatre Arts, Mumbai University and Stree Mukti Sanghatana from 1st to 7th November 2009.
  • Attended workshops on Revised Syllabus of TYBA Economics Paper VI Indian Financial System at R. Ruia College and Vivekanand College November 2009.
  • Attended State Level Inter-disciplinary Seminar on ?Frauds in the Banking and Financial Services and Insurance Sector ? Controls and Preventive Strategies? organized by the S.I.E.S. College of Commerce and Economics, Sion(E) on 21st November 2009.
  • Attended the UGC sponsored International Seminar on ?Human Rights in a Globalised World? organized by St. Xavier?s College in collaboration with Liverpool Hope University (10th to 12th December 2009).
  • Attended a workshop on Revised Syllabus of T.Y.B.Com Business Economics Paper III organized by L.S. Raheja College, February, 2010.
  • Attended a Seminar on ?Effective Delivery System of Public Utilities? organized by the Indian Merchants Chamber, Market Research wings???? Forum of Free Enterprise and Economics Foundation, February 2010.
  • Attended a National Level 2 Days Orientation Programme for the Coordinators of Ford Pathways Higher Education Programme (Global Programme) organized by the Higher Education Cell of the Centre for Study of Culture and Society, Bangalore on 19th? & 20th? February 2010 at Bangalore.
  • Attended a Seminar on International Exchange Programmes in USA organized by? R. Ruia College and Walpraso University, USA on 8th March 2010.
  • Attended? UGC Sponsored? 2 Days State Level Conference on ?Statistics and Decision Making? organized by the Statistics Department of the College on 5th & 6th March 2010.
  • Attended two Days National Seminar on ? Ikkisvi Sadee Ke Pratham Dashak Ki Hindi Kavita? organized by Hindi Department of the College supported by Hindi Sahitya Academy (10th & 11th March 2010).
Teaching / Research / Extension
  • Was invited as a visiting faculty for teaching Macro Economics and Business Governance and Environment for MBA Course of the Institute for Technology and Management, Mumbai.
  • Conducted Sessions on ?Research Methodology? for the courses of DECCED & PGDC of the Institute of Comprehensive Education, SIES.
  • Was appointed as a Research Guide for the Research Projects of DECCED and PGDC students for the Research Projects on ?Self Esteem among Women? and ?Teacher Student Relationship?.
  • Conducted a research study on ?Problems of Women Entrepreneurs in Mumbai?.
  • Coordinated Haath-Main Sehat Programme implemented in 5 schools of Mumbai in collaboration with Engineers for Sustainable Development, University of California, Berkeley.
  • Collaborated with Indian Society for Mentally Retarded and Hi-Tech Family Foundation for the projects on specially abled children.
Any Other
  • Organized the Workshop on TYBA Economics Paper IX Entrepreneurship & Small Industries Management (Revised Syllabus) on behalf of the Board of Studies in Economics, University of Mumbai and Department of Economics, S.I.E.S. College on 14th January, 2010 and at Pragati College of Arts & Commerce, Dombivli on 16th December 2009.
  • Conducted a Series of Workshops on the topics like ?Presentation Skills?, ?Self Esteem?, ?Effective Communication? for the MBA students of the Institute for Technology? and Management, Mumbai April 09 to March 10.
  • Organised an International Seminar on ?International Internships in Development and Education Sector? in Collaboration with AIESEC and shared the experiences of hosting homestay for interns from Pakistan and South Africa on 24th October 2009.
  • Was invited as the Subject Expert for Selection and Placements of teachers at R.A. Podar College of Commerce and Economics, Ramnarain Ruia College of Arts, Science and MVLU College.
Manashree Kusnur
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended
  • Participated in the One-Day workshop on April 25, 2009, on ?Revised syllabi of T.Y.B.A. Economics? organized by the Board of Studies in Economics, University of Mumbai and Dept. of Economics, D.G. Ruparel College.
  • Participated in the One-Day workshop on June 27, 2009, on ?Revised syllabi of T.Y.B.A. Economics? (Quantitative Papers), jointly organized by the Board of Studies in Economics, University of Mumbai and Dept. of Economics, K.C. College.
  • Participated in the workshop on ?Procedures and Guidelines of Ordinance 5050? on September 19, 2009, jointly organized by Unfair Means Enquiry Committee, University of Mumbai and K.P.B. Hinduja College of Commerce.
Lakshmi Muthukumar
Registration for Ph.D
  • Registered for Ph.D under the guidance of Dr. Shoba V.Ghosh on the topic ?Negotiating the Private and the Public Spheres: A Feminist Exploration of the Gendered Spheres and Identity Struggles in the Plays of Wendy Wasserstein? in Sept. 2009.
P. G. Recognition
  • Recognized as a Post Graduate Lecturer at the University of Mumbai from Sept. 2009.
Papers Presented
  • Presented a paper titled ?The Jewish Sensibility in Wasserstein?s An American Daughter? at a panel discussion held at the American Centre on the theme ?Multicultural Literature at the United States Today? on 3rd March 2010.
  • Presented a paper titled ?Walking the Tightrope Between the Private and the Public: A Feminist Exploration of An American Daughter, a play by Wendy Wasserstein? at a state level seminar on the theme ?Challenges to Women Empowerment in the 21st Century?, organized by the K.B.College, Kopri, Thane on 22nd January 2010.
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended
  • Attended a workshop for the revised syllabus in Business Communication at the K.J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce, Vidyavihar on 18th September, 2009.
  • Attended a National Symposium on ?Gay and Lesbian Literature? organized by the St. Andrews College, Bandra, 21st Nov. 2009.
Any Other
  • Delivered guest lectures at a Bridge Course for FYBCOM students on Writing Skills in English, Nov. 2009.
  • Delivered guest lectures at a Remedial Course for Junior College students, Nov.-Dec. 2009.
  • Convened a One Day workshop in the subject of Communication Skills in English (FYBA) in association with the Board of Studies in English, University of Mumbai, 2nd January 2010.
  • Selected as a Item Writer for English by the Government of India?s Staff Selection Commission , W. Rly, and attended the workshop for the same on 19th January 2010 at Hotel West End, Marine Lines, Mumbai.
Joan Benita Fernando
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended
  • Attended a One-Day Workshop on the Revised Syllabus in Business Communication in English (FYBCom & SYBA) at the Rizvi College of Arts, Science and Commerce on 1st August 2009
  • Attended a National Symposium on Gay and Lesbian Literature at St. Andrew's College on 21st November 2009?
Papers Presented
  • Presented a paper titled ?Neo-Orientalism in Avatar? on 6th March 2010, at the staff colloquium, S.I.E.S. College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
Martin Ebnazer D.
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended
  • Attended a One- Day Workshop on the Revised Syllabus in Business Communication in English (F.Y. B. Com & S.Y.B.A), organized by the Dept. of English, Rizvi College of Arts, Science & Commerce on Saturday, August 1, 2009.
  • Attended a One- Day Workshop on the Revised Syllabus in the subject of Introduction to Literature (F.Y. BMM), organized by the Dept. of Mass Media, S. K. Somaiya College of Arts, Science & Commerce on Saturday, December 5, 2009.
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Dubey
Papers Presented
  • Paper titled ?Samacharo Ki Bhasha? in an International Seminar on ?Samachar: Badalta Swarup Avam Ubharte Aayam?, organised by the R. D. National College & Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Mumbai, on 28th & 29th August, 2009.
  • Paper titled ?Chidambara: Sumitranandan Pant? in a National Seminar organised by Prayas, Goa, on 15th Sept. 2009.
  • Presented a paper on SYBA Hindi Paper III, in a syllabus Revision Workshop, organised by V. G. Vaze College, Mumbai, on 27th November 2009.
  • Paper titled ?Hindi Katha Sahitya Mein Dalit Drishti: ?Udhar Ke Log? Ke Sandarbh Mein?, in a National seminar, organized by SNDT University, Mumbai, on 8th February 2010.
  • Paper titled ?Laghu Patrikaayen aur Vaikalpik Patrakaarita? in a National Seminar organized by Sadhu Vaswani Mahavidyalay, Bairagad, Bhopal on 23rd and 24th February 2010.
  • Paper titled ?Chhayavaadi Kavya Mein Aatmabhivyakti ki Pravritti aur Nirala? in a National Seminar organized by Motilal Vigyan Mahavidyalay, Bhopal on 25th and 26th February2010.
  • Paper titled ?Hindi Jansansaar Madhyam aur Vigyapan? at a National Seminar organized by M.M.P.Shah Mahila Mahavidyalay, Matunga, Mumbai on 26th February 2010.
  • Paper titled ?Mannu Bhandari aur Aapka Bunty?at a National Seminar organized by Parvatibai Chaugule College, Madgaon, Goa on 5th March 2010.
  • Awarded Ph.D (Arts) Degree in Hindi on the topic ?Bisvin Sadi Ke Antim Do Dashakon Ki Hindi Kahani Aur Sampradayikta: Ek Anusheelan?, University of Mumbai, Sept. 2009.
Any Other
  • Member of the Syllabus Committee for revising the Syllabus of the FYBA Hindi Paper I.
  • As a convenor organized a two day national seminar on ?Hindi Poetry of the First Decade of the Twenty-first Century? on the 10th and 11th March 2010 as a part of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the college.
Dinesh S. Pathak
Papers Presented
  • Presented a paper on the topic ?Ritikaal ka Manovigyan? in the two day national seminar organized by M.D. College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Parel, Mumbai.
  • Presented a paper on the topic ?Leeladhar Jagudi ki Kavita va Ekkisavin Sadi ki Chunauntiyan? at the two day national seminar organized by the S.I.E.S. College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sion, Mumbai on the 10th and 11th March 2010 .
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended
  • Attended one day workshop organized by the dept. of Hindi, V.G. Vaze College, Mulund, Mumbai on the new syllabus of SYBA Hindi for paper III.
  • Attended the two day national seminar on the subject ?Samachar : Badalta Swaroop Avam Ubharte Ayaam? jointly organized by R.D. National College, Bandra and Dept. of Mass communication and Journalism, University of Mumbai.
  • Attended one day seminar on the subject ?Dalit Sahitya? organized by K.J. Somaiya college of Arts and Commerce, Vidyavihar, Mumbai.
Varsha S. Muley
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended
  • Attended the International Seminar on ?Countering Terrorism in India Challenges of the 21st Century? organised by the Department of Politics, S.I.E.S. College of Arts, Science and Commerce on 31st August 2009 to 2nd September 2009.
  • Participated in a workshop on ?Introduction to the Post Graduate Diploma in Museology and Art Conservation? organised at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya ( Formerly Prince of Wales Museum of Western India), by the Museum society of Mumbai, the Department of History, University of Mumbai, the Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, St.Xavier?s College,? on September 19th 2009.
Any Other
  • Jointly worked with the Department of Politics in initiating and organising the 3 day exhibition from 21st January to 24th January 2010. ?Maharashtra : Gaatha Samruddha Paramparechi? as a part of Golden Jubilee celebration of the College and a commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of the state of Maharashtra. The exhibition was organised in collaboration with Maharashtra Archives, Directorate of Cultural Affairs Maharashtra and the ICSSR (WRC).
Dr. Uma Shankar
Papers Presented
  • At an International conference on indigenous management, on ?Life Satisfaction at Workplace? at Annamalai university , Chidambaram? and was selected as one of the best five papers among 465 papers .
  • A research paper on ?Dharma & Natural of St Aquinas? at the round table with Prof Amartya Sen ?the noble laureate ?? Conversation with Sen? on Human Concern, Tolerance & Sharing ? Vital Values of Indian culture at the Indian Philosophical Congress? ,84th session , October 2009 .
  • ?Presented a paper on ?Influence of Tamil people and Culture in Maharashtra? for the seminar organized on Maharashtra Tamilnadu interactions during the exhibition Maharashtra : Gaatha Samruddhichi.
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended
  • International conference on ?Countering Terrorism in India- Challenge of the 21st century? organized by the department of Politics, SIES college, the American center & ICSSR, Mumbai.
  • Students? symposium on Capital Punishment - on International philosophy day at the University of Mumbai on Nov 09.
  • Lecture series by Dr Shubada Joshi on Future of philosophy, Dr Priya Vaidya on the Scope of Philosophy and Mr. Ganesh Nochur on Sustainable Development Nov 09.
Guest Lectures Delivered
  • Lectures series on ?Tattvartha Sutra, A Jaina text? for the students of Jainology, University of Mumbai? December 2009.
  • Two lectures on ?Advaita Vedanta & Kashmir Saivism? for Students of Advanced Diploma in Yoga, University of Mumbai, October 2009.
  • Two lectures on ?Sankara?s Philosophy and Kashmir Saivism? for? diploma students of? Somaiya Buddhist Studies, January 2010
  • Gave a lecture?for the Institute of Comprehensive Education?on ?Theories of Developmental Psychology, February 10, 2010.
  • ?Invited to give? a talk at Rotary Club, Ghatkopar on ?Surrogacy?, February 10th 2010.
  • ?Gave a public lecture at Yaoga Vidya Niketan , Navi Mumbai on ?Yoga as a therapy for physical and mental ailments?.
  • ?Was invited to?participate as a discussant? at the department of Philosophy , Madras University , ?On Democracy, Modernity and secularism?, Chennai? , March 10.
Any Other
  • Resource person at the revised TYBA? syllabus revision workshop, at Sathe college, April 09.
  • Chaired the session at the Joshi Bedekar College on Indian Philosophy of Consciousness., the speaker was? Swami? Nikhlishwarananada , Baroda October 2009.
  • ?Chaired a session at the National Conference?on " Tradition and Legacy of Vedantic Acharyas " organised by ?Anathacharya Indological Research Institute March 10, 2010.
Kamala Srinivas
Papers Presented
  • Paper titled ?Anthropological and Cultural Perspectives of Symbols and Hymns in India? presented at the 84th Session of the Indian Philosophical Congress on ?Values Embodied in Indian Culture: Relevance and Reconstruction? held from 24th to 27th October 2009.
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended
  • Participated in a one day Workshop on Revised Syllabus for Papers II, III and Applied Component in Psychology at S.Y.B.A., organized by the Department of Psychology, D.G. Ruparel College and Board of Studies in Psychology, University of Mumbai on 30th June 2009.
  • Participated in the International Seminar on Countering Terrorism in India-Challenge of the 21st Century jointly organized by S.I.E.S. College of Arts, Science & Commerce, The American Centre, Mumbai and Indian Council of Social Science Research (WRC) from 31st August & 2nd September 2009.
  • Attended a Workshop on Revised Syllabus for T.Y.B.A.? Philosophy Paper VIII-Formal Logic organized by the Ismail Yusuf College of Arts, Science and Commerce on 19th September 2009.
P. G. Recognition
  • Recognized as a teacher of the University for the M.A. Degree (By Papers) in Philosophy with effect from 8th September, 2009.
Guest Lectures Delivered
  • Gave a series of lectures on ?Emotions, Emotional Intelligence, Dynamics of Emotions & Enhancing Performance? for Professional Counselors and PGDC Students at the Institute of Comprehensive Education, S.I.E.S. College in July 2009.
  • Delivered a lecture to the PGDC students, University of Mumbai on ?Introduction to Yoga and Patanjali?s Yoga Sutra?, September 2009.
Any Other
  • Actively involved in organizing the 84th Session of Indian Philosophical Congress as a member of the Fund Raising Committee & hosted the Inaugural Session, October 2009.
Dr. Maneesha Tikekar
Papers / Lectures /Talks
  • Panelist in the session on ?Building Unity, Acting Locally and Globally? in an International Symposium on Building a Culture of Peace organised by the Mumbai Festival Forum in collaboration with the Department of History, University of Mumbai, January 8th? & 9th, 2010.
  • Resource person at the Orientation Course conducted by the Academic Staff College, University of Mumbai, 27th November 2009.
  • ? ?Religious Terrorism?: Anatomy of Hindutva Terror?, paper presented at the International Seminar on Countering Terrorism in India: Challenge of the 21st Century, organised by the Dept. of Politics, S.I.E.S. College of Arts, and Science & Commerce in collaboration with the American Center, Mumbai and ICSSR (WRC), 31st? August- 2nd? September 2009.
Any Other
  • Invited to participate in a consultative meeting on formation of a Resource Centre on Forced Migration in South Asia by Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group on 2 December 2009 at Kolkata.
  • Convener, International Seminar on Countering Terrorism in India: Challenge of the 21st Century, organised by the Dept. of Politics S.I.E.S. College of Arts, Science & Commerce, in collaboration with the American Center, Mumbai and the Indian Council of Social Science Research (WRC), 31st? August-2 nd September 2009.
  • Coordinator, Maharashtra: Gaatha Samruddha Paramparechi, an exhibiton organised by the S.I.E.S. College of Arts, Science & Commerce in collaboration with IRB Infrastructure, ICSSR,? and Soft Corner to commemorate Fifty Years of Maharashtra as part of the? Golden Jubilee celebrations of the College, 21st -24th? January 2009.
  • Appointed as a member of the Board of Studies and the Research Recognition Committee in Central Eurasian Studies in 2009.
Gayathri Narayanan
Papers Presented
  • Presented a paper on ?Maharashtrians in Mattanchery? for the seminar organized on Maharashtra Tamilnadu Interactions during the exhibition Maharashtra: Gaatha Samruddha Paramparechi.
Dr. Rashmi Bhure
Papers Presented
  • Talk delivered at the Department of Civics and Politics, University of Mumbai on ?Kashmir beyond Terrorism: A Ray of Hope? on September 15th , 2009.
  • Presented a paper ?American Studies in Western India-with Special Reference to Mumbai?, conference organized by the American Center, Mumbai on ?American Studies in Western India?, November 23rd , 2009.
  • Presented paper ?The Changing Discourse of the Kashmir Conflict?, at the International Seminar organized by The Department of Politics, S.I.E.S. College in collaboration with The American Center, Mumbai and ICSSR Western Region on ?Countering Terrorism in India-Challenge of the 21st Century?, 31 August-2 September 2009.
Vanita Banjan
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended
  • Participated in a three day International Seminar on Countering Terrorism in India:? Challenge of the 21st Century organized by Department of Politics, S.I.E.S. College of Arts, Science and Commerce in collaboration with the American Centre and ICSSR (WRC) on 31st August, 1st and 2nd September 2009.
  • Participated in a one day seminar on Glimpses on Maharashtra-South India Interaction organized by the Politics and History Department, SIES College in collaboration with ICSSR (WRC) on 22nd January 2010.
Resource Person
  • Invited to deliver lectures at the State Intelligence Institute in March 2009 on Politics in Maharashtra.
Roy Chowdhury Suchitra
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended
  • Attended a workshop on ?Play Therapy? at Department of Social Science, Nirmala Niketan.
  • Attended a workshop on ?Dance Therapy? at Expression Modern Dance Company
  • Attended International Conference on ?Terrorism in 21st Century? hosted by Department of Politics, S.I.E.S. College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
Any Other
  • Worked as visiting faculty for F.Y.B.M.M. students of Birla College, Kalyan.
Shama Khale
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended
  • Attended a workshop on the revised syllabus of S.Y.B.A. organized by Board of Studies in Psychology at D.G.Ruparel college. (June 30, 2009)
  • Attended a workshop on ?Psychological Test Construction? organized? by Psychology Association of? Mithibai College (August 7 and 8, 2009)
  • Attended a workshop on ?Mind Over Matter? organized by Psychology Department of D.G. Ruparel College (October 3, 2009).
Any Other
  • Resource person in Introductory Psychology at Vidyalankar College for B.Sc. IT course. (October 22 to 30, 2009)
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